Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Toronto Night Life, Baby

Copied from my MySpace blog. Originally posted October 10, 2006.

Last week, I was on my way home from The Laugh Resort at about 11:30pm. Stopped at a red light in Scarborough, I noticed that the baby in the stroller crossing the street in front of me had the same little cloth book as my son (Playtime, Maisy). Cute.

Then I thought "forget the book, what the Hell is that infant doing out in Scarborough at this time of night?" I thought all the baby night clubs were downtown.


Anonymous said...

Comment copied from Lloyd's MySpace blog. Comment posted October 10, 2006.

Kids are no longer a parent's children they are a pet to be put on drugs so they don't get in the way of the parent's social life.

Anonymous said...

Comment copied from Lloyd's MySpace blog. Comment posted October 11, 2006.

those baby nightclubs are popping up everywhere, it seems...

Anonymous said...

Comment copied from Lloyd's MySpace blog. Comment posted October 13, 2006.

Okay, I just gotta put my two cents in here.

#1....maybe the baby was not sleeping well and was being pushed in the stroller to try and help it fall asleep.

#2.....not all babies who go to bed later at night do so because their parents don't want to change their social life. My twins don't go to bed till 10PM and that is so they will sleep later in the day for my hubby, who works 3rd shift then comes home to watch our kids while i go to work so we can still pay our bills.

Lloyd said...

Comment copied from Lloyd's MySpace blog. Comment posted October 13, 2006.

But seriously, aren't all the baby night clubs downtown?

Anonymous said...

Comment copied from Lloyd's MySpace blog. Comment posted October 13, 2006.

another possibility is that the mother does not get off from work until very late and has to then go pick her child up from the babysitter... she might not have a car, so she has to walk back home. my sister had to do that for 5 months.

Anonymous said...

Comment copied from Lloyd's MySpace blog. Comment posted October 13, 2006.

No, there are some Underground baby nightclubs all over the place. They're kept on the downlow though. Our babes want to keep it all hush hush, and here you go, brining it all up in a blog! NICE. REAAAAAAAAL NICE.

Anonymous said...

Comment copied from Lloyd's MySpace blog. Comment posted October 17, 2006.

HAHAHA... and btw, "For the Kids" is one of my favorite albums (even before I had my daughter) and now I play it for my baby all the time. She thinks I've lost my mind when I dance around to the La La Lemon song.

And goodness, what are babies doing out clubbing that late? Don't they have a baby curfew up there man?


C ~