Saturday, February 1, 2014

Help Me Help Children's Hospitals in Canada

This is one of my all-time favourite pictures. 

Eric was on a weekend pass from a particularly long hospital stay, after his second and third strokes, back-to-back. He and I were so relieved to be home that we were asleep on the couch in minutes. 

Those were very difficult and terrifying days, watching Eric go through severe medical emergencies at such a young age. But thanks to extremely hard work of pediatric doctors and nurses and therapists (we stopped counting when Eric had been seen by more than 100 doctors from several different specialties by age 4), Eric's health has been pretty stable for the past few years.

That's why I decided to donate a portion of each sale from downloads of my 1-hour solo show Funny, Daddy to Children's Miracle Network, helping children's hospitals across Canada, as my way of saying "thank you for saving this kid's life". 

The show itself is the story of the ups and downs of my time as a parent, and Eric's hospital stays and the wonderful care that we received during those stays, play a big role in the story. I do find an opportunity to roast the medical community a little, too (in a loving way, of course).

I appreciate the support I've had on this so far, and I would love it if a great big pile of my friends and family jumped on board today with a $5 purchase. I know literally hundreds of you have sent me messages saying "I wish I could see that show" when it was touring around the Maritimes. Well, now's your chance.

It's easy. You can pay with a credit card or PayPal at

Or, you can send an interac e-mail transfer to

You'll receive a download link in your email shortly after paying.




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